Monday, August 27, 2012

Why should Abercrombie and Fitch use our plan?

Abercrombie and Fitch should use our plan becuase it will help the people over seas who have been working in sweatshops almost their entire life. These people that have been working in sweatshops have been dealing with unpaid overtime, hazardous working conditions, verbal, physical, and sexual abuses, forced pregnancy testing to be hired and while employed, excessive long working hours causing stress, and harm. We need to inform Abercrombie on what it is doing to their workers. We need to inform the world of what is going on and what the story is behind our favorite brands of clothes. Our plan to move the company to America will help reduce all of the effects listed above. It will help our buying customers to not overpay on the clothes. Abercrombie should listen to our plan because if word gets out that the company is using a sweatshop to produce our clothes, they may lose a lot of business. Also, part of the money we are spending on Abercrombie's clothes is going to the countries where the sweatshops are. The money should be going towards our own country, economy, and debt.

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