Monday, August 27, 2012

Our Plan!

We will open our Abercrombie and Fitch factories in a remote areas because there isnt very many jobs there, and it will provide a safe job for those who are in need of one. We are doing this because it is a good way for those who don't live in  huge cities to have a good factory job, and it may reduce pollution because our factory will not be around other big factories. We will hire high school graduates because we think this will be a good starter job for them, and like in the book "Nickel and Dimed" Barbara said it was a good way to make money because working in a factory can get you a higher status in your job. We feel like our plan will be successful, and it will help those who were in the sweat shops, but Abercrombie and Fitch may not agree with us because they like not paying their workers and selling over priced clothes to make a bigger a profit. The downfall to moving our factory to America is that must pay of workers more, but we can make a big profit if our prices stay the same, but we do not want that. Money will be the biggest pitfall as we move the company to America. the money that was used over seas to create the sweatshop will now be used to help pay our employees and make our clothes, our customers will help us out with the buying of our products because they will be less money.

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